Arena Protocols & COVID-19 Safety
October 12, 2020Job Opportunity – Director of Hockey Operations
West Vancouver Minor Hockey Association (WVMHA) is seeking a Director of Hockey Operations (DHO) to support our on-going pursuit of providing the best possible hockey experience to players and families while developing excellent athletes and citizens.
WVMHA is a small association with approximately 240 players aged 5 to 18 years old. Several years ago, our Board of Directors set a course to steadfastly build a culture of respect among all players and parents while investing in professional coaches for our youngest players and all competitive teams. Currently, the association is seeing the pay-back with teams at all levels punching above their weight and competing shoulder-to-shoulder with the largest hockey associations in B.C. while giving back to the community in many important ways.
Who Should Apply
Part administrator, coach, teacher, mentor and leader, this role can mold to your greatest strengths. At a minimum, however, our DHO will be three things: personable, honest and enthusiastic about minor hockey. You will become the face of our association and will extend and enhance the on-going work and vision of our board, volunteers, and coaches using your combination of hockey, leadership, and management skills. Expect DHO tasks to include recruiting and managing coaches, establishing and implementing hockey development, working closely with association members on a day-to-day basis and representing WVMHA with PCAHA and BC Hockey.
Commitment and Terms
Seeking multiple-year commitment. Full-time August to March, 1/4-Time April to July. Terms to be negotiated based on experience. Successful candidate will be a contractor to the Association.
To Apply
Simply attach a resume in an email to president@wvmha.ca and include a description of how you can take our association to the next level.