“C” or “House” Hockey

The choice between “C” or “House” hockey and “A” or “Rep” hockey occurs beginning in U11. C hockey is recreational with an emphasis on team play and skill development.

Body-checking is not permitted at any level in C hockey.

Practices are 2x per week in U11 and U13 and 1x or 2x per week in U15 and U18. Games begin in October, with alternating home and away games each week for U11 and U13 (1 game per week), and home and away games each week (2 games per week) in U15 and U18. Away games are mostly on the North Shore, but travel to Squamish, Whistler and the Sunshine Coast occurs a few times a year.

Professional Coaches

The association provides skill development by professional coaches for U11 – U18 teams.

While parent volunteers are expected to coach C teams during games, some teams opt to hire a paid coach to lead the team. Paid coaches are the responsibility of the team.

WVMHA’s focus is on skills development and to provide children of all skills abilities to develop to their maximum potential. To learn more about our long-term skills development model, please click here.


Regular attendance is strongly encouraged. The pace of learning and skills development is very rapid and hockey is a skills-intensive sport. Your child will have a more positive experience if they are able to participate and learn at the same rate as their peers.


We encourage all our C teams to participate in two tournaments each season — preferably a local tournament and a travel tournament.


We need parents to be involved whenever/however they can. You can select a volunteer role during the on-line registration process. Some considerations are:

  • All teams will have specific volunteer roles for each player’s parent (ex: treasurer, scorekeep/timekeep, social coordinator, etc)
  • Each team will need coaches/ assistant coaches, managers and Hockey Canada Safety Person (HCSP) referred to as Team Officials.
  • There is always a role for everyone

We ask you to review our policies prior to the start of the season — especially our “around the rink” policies.