Open Ice Season Pass
Our Season Pass gives you access to three ice times per week for a 10 week period (total of 300 hours). Cost is $255 per player. Siblings receive a 50% discount. Full gear is mandatory for players under the age of 16. Parents are not allowed on the ice unless they are rostered team officials.
Limited spaces are available.
Ice times begin on March 29th and end on June 11th as follows:
- Sundays: 6:45 am to 7:45 am
- Mondays: 7am to 8am
- Fridays: 7am to 8am
- Additional ice times may be added as they become available.
COVID Safety
Arena Safety Protocols
- Players must arrive at the arena dressed for hockey (except for skates and helmets)
- Face-masks are mandatory for everyone in the arena except for on the ice surface
- Players must bring their own water bottles
- Social distancing will be enforced
- No spectators are permitted (except for caregivers if required)