WVMHA Shoot-A-Thon Rules 2022

Minimum $25 raise to play (3 pucks hardest shot, 10 pucks accuracy)

Every extra $100 raised earns 1 extra hardest shot and 2 extra accuracy pucks

  • Hardest shot winner is single fastest recorded shot; tie-breaks are based on average of top 3 shots
  • Accuracy is the average % of shots pocketed in any of the 7 holes

Everyone shoots standard pucks (very young players can use street hockey balls if they prefer)

Fundraising through Zeffy app 

Fundraisers to ensure their fundraising sum is accurate and that their sponsors link donations to their account (please contact darcyelbaker@gmail.com if any discrepancies are identified)

Fundraising will end Sunday, October 23rd at midnight Pacific time

Prizes subject to increase as fundraising permits

All funds support West Vancouver Minor Hockey Association

PRIZE TABLE: Three Individual Prize Categories and a NEW Team Prize

1 – Skills Contest Prizes$25 required to play
Hardest Shot (male/female, house & rep per age group)2022 Hardest Shot Retro Hoodie
Accurate Shooter (male/female, house & rep per age group)2022 Most Accurate Shot Retro Hoodie
2 – Participant Prizesprize(s) for everyone raising $100
Raise $100WVMHA T Shirt
Raise $250WVMHA T Shirt and Hat (Limited Edition New Era with WV crest)
3 – Grand PrizesRandomly drawn, everyone gets a prize
Raise $500High-end hockey stick
Canucks tickets
WVMHA Hoodie
WVMHA puffy jacket
4 – Team Prize
Highest Team Total $ raised x participation rate (%)Free Team Party! Pizza party at Rolla Skate Club (https://rollaskateclub.com/)